Meet The Team
Pastor Rev.
Previously called to Christ Lutheran Church, I accompanied both Christ and Our Savior congregations in consolidating as one new church. For ten years prior, I served at the Lutheran Campus Ministry at UW-Oshkosh In these few years, I have been so inspired by these faithful people that I serve. It is so exciting to see how active God is with this newly formed congregation who trust where God’s Holy Spirit is guiding them. Previous to my call to ministry, I worked as a video producer and writer for 22 years. Now, I see how God has used me and my previous experiences to minister in new and creative ways in the church. I have two grown daughters and their fiance's who live close by and a husband who supports me in every way. Throughout my life, I have had an active role in the church and in my relationship with Christ. I truly believe in the love that God has for every person and all creation. Although the business of church can get complicated, I like to keep it simple by just loving God and others. And by doing that, I trust that the rest will fall into place. I have a true passion for people and to help connect them in ways that strengthen their relationship with God. I’ve leaned heavily on Paul’s text to the Corinthian congregation who were going through a new time with some struggles of their own. Paul expressed his love and encouragement that this faith of theirs gives them a brand new start in this life. And, I have seen this exhibited in so many people who leave themselves open to what the Spirit can do - especially in times of change. Believe this my friends… “if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! (1 Corinthians 5:17) And, not only do I believe this, but it excites me to see how God is doing a new thing with us!
Worship Administrator
Barb has been a member of Our Savior's for 35+ years. She's been on staff at Christ Lutheran since the fall of 2016. She has been apart of many committees and groups. Following our congregations consolidating, her area of emphasis will be on preparing for worship services. She is always open to helping move our ministry forward in any way she can.
Office Administrator
Amy was born and raised in Oshkosh. Amy and her husband have 4 children and just recently became grandparents. When not working, she enjoys scrapbooking, reading, spending time with her family and friends and being at the ocean.
Director of Youth and Family Ministry
As current seminarian at Wartburg Seminary, Beth serves as Director of Youth & Family Ministry. Beth has experience with children's education. A mother of three, Beth has a passion to serve young people while supporting the family unit. Her faith and creative nature bring fun and meaningful oppotunities for young ones tp grow in their faith journey.
Barb has teamed up with Mary Jo to work on the church finances. She and her husband recently joined Christ Our Savior.
Mary Jo has been a member of Our Savior's for 36 years. She has been in charge of finances for 11 years. She has two children and three grandchildren with one on the way. She is retired from the Oshkosh school district. We are so grateful for all she does for our church family.
Pete Valdez