Gods work, Our hands. Join a ministry today!
Kid's Ministry: Sunday School
Click on the picture to be directed to our Youth page.
Click on the button below to be directed to our youth page where you will find out more about Confirmation updates.
Stephen Ministry
A caring ministry at our church that equips lay persons in our congregation to provide Christian one-on-one care to those in our congregation during time of need. If you are wanting to join and learn about Stephen Ministry or need one one-on-one care please email Linda below.

Feeding Hungry Children
Neighbors and Churches working together to feed hungry kids. The team is active in the month of August to help provide food for kids. We work with other churches in the community at a variety of locations.
Parish Council
Parish Council is a fun and exciting way to be apart of our future consolidation into one parish. We are currently looking for people to serve in our Parish Council by the end of the year. We have short, monthly meetings, If you are interested click the button below to get in contact with Pastor Connie or email our current Council Presidents below.

Pastoral Support
Pastoral support is a conversation between you and the Pastor, centered around the spiritual needs of youIf you need any Pastoral support or need to contact the Pastor, email Pastor Connie Weiss using th button below.
“The Ties That Bind” – the quilting group of Christ & Our Savior’s Lutheran meet Thursdays , excluding holidays, special days and summer months, is a group of women that gather in the quilting room to assemble “simple” quilts to send off to Lutheran World Relief. We start at 8:30 and work until 12:00 noon. A coffee & treat break , at 10:00, is a great way to promote fellowship. Mission work is top on our list. One year we were able to complete over 200 quilts to be sent off to Lutheran World Relief. It’s our way to extend our love to those in need. At the moment we are desperately looking for someone to sew the squares together either at home or joining in with our dedicated group. We do a lot of work but also have a lot of fun.

Women's Group
Women at our church meet every month to go over things going on. We meet after church once a month. We sometimes do service projects and alot of us are apart of other ministries as well. Any women are invited to join us.
“As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.”
From the Women of the ELCA Website.
Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain is an on-line ministry. A wonderful, loving, caring, tenacious group of "Prayer Warriors" who take time each day to pray for the needs of others.
If you are interested in participating in this email ministry, please use the buttons below.

Bible Study
Every Monday at 1pm, we offer a Hybrid style Bible Study for any to join!
Call the Parish office if you would like more information or the link to join us,