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How you can GIve and help OUR Church

If you find yourself ready to put God first in both your heart and your wallet, we encourage you to make a one-time gift or sign up to make recurring donations. 

ways you can donate:


You can donate during worship or mail us a check, however do to rising covid-19 cases and our effort to keep our neighbors safe, we advise you to donate online using the button below. 


The donation link below will take you to another page where you can donate online.

Estate Plan

Give through your Estate Plan. Make a planned gift to benefit COSLC and commit to the future of this church.

Two ways to do so:

  1. Have Christ Our Savior included in your will

  2. Make a gift to COSLC from your retirement account or donor-advised fund

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 1 Chronicles 29:14 NIV

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